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The board

Important documents:


Documents from the General Assembly, June 2017



Statutes of Scandinavian Association of Urology


NUF travel grant


Christian Beisland (President)

Christian Beisland is the President of the Scandinavian Association of Urology since 2017.


Mail to Christian Beisland






Beskrivelse: C:\Users\BjerggaardMainPC\Documents\dokumenter\My Webs\\img\Lisbeth_Salling.jpgLisbeth Nerstrøm Salling (General Secretary)

Lisbeth Nerstrøm Salling, Consultant Urologist (Overlæge) at the Urological Department Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen.
Born 1955 in Denmark, MD at University of Copenhagen 1986, ph.d. 1994 (experimental model of prostate cancer). Urological training and research in Århus and from 1994 urological education in Copenhagen.

Has been Secretary of the Danish Surgical Society for 4 years and is a member of the SAU collaboration group of reconstructive urology.

Clinical lecturer (assistant professor) at the University of Copenhagen.

Main field of interest: Bladder cancer.

Mail to Lisbeth Nerstrøm Salling



Henrik Jakobsen (Treasurer)

Henrik Jakobsen, Consultant Urologist (Overlæge) at the Department of Urology, Herlev Hospital, University of Copenhagen.

Born 1951, MD at the University of Copenhagen 1977.

Team leader of the Prostate Cancer Team.

Mail to Henrik Jakobsen

Original receipts for reimbursement together with the standard reimbursement application form (download here) should be send to:

Henrik Jakobsen M.D.

Department of Urology HA54F1

Herlev Hospital

Herlev Ringvej 75

2730 Herlev
